Well, the job wasn’t a God thing. But, I still think God is using the whole experience. It reminded me that I am an intelligent woman as well as creative - that both parts are important. It stirred something within me and maybe that was the point. I think it is still a part of "My Big Beautiful Thing".

So, what is my "My Big Beautiful Thing" or “BBT” for short? It’s basically what God is calling me to do, how I put good back into the world, how I use the gifts I have been given to do the most good. The acronym truly got started last summer when I stumbled on a product that seemed like an unlooked for and possible gold mine... and, it was not too long before that I saw a billboard advertising a huge Texas lottery drawing that made me think about what I would do with that much money. What if I could make a shit ton of money for God?
Was this stumbling onto a product right after I thought about giving God's big money away a synchronicity, as Julia Cameron of The Artists' Way calls it? If so, it was so much to think about. I need an industrial designer. I need to learn more about selling on Amazon, sourcing products, 3D printing capabilities, entrepreneurship, etc. and I have learned a lot already. It would mean that I run a company for real. Maybe that was part of the stirring I’m talking about - a reminder that I am a smart and able businesswoman and can do what I set my mind to. But, there’s a lot to learn and this is WAY out of my wheelhouse. I’m not sure I should be spending time or money to develop it right now. This has absolutely nothing to do with glass, but there is creativity in the design and I get excited about it when I think of sharing it as a product. It is cooking on low as I pray for the right people, ideas, resources and things to make it happen IF that is the direction I am supposed to go.
Another part of the BBT started with the piece in this picture. I'd like to share what I wrote on Instagram about In the Spirit:

In the Spirit:
She is free, joyous and full of life. She came together through a process I call “bits and pieces” whereby I put a table of pieces out and start the free form puzzle building. But, it’s more than that. It’s also a form of prayer for me and I love seeing how the Spirit guides it all. Start with one interesting shape and see what unfolds. They always seem to end up being abstract expressions of people dancing. As I embrace the creativity that flows through me, it always amazes me that my best work comes when I don’t think. When I get out of the way and let God do his/her thing. Life is full of each of us putting the pieces back together again. The shards of brokenness, what we thought was useless, complete with sharp edges and seemingly good for nothing but trash, end up creating something new and whole. Healing, hope, beauty. Spirit flowing through me. That’s what she means to me.
I’ve named the process I describe above Art Glass Therapy and even bought the domain name. This process is about taking broken pieces of glass/our lives and forging them into a new, whole, healed work of art/our souls. The symbolism is so powerful. The possibilities are endless: grief recovery classes around losing a loved one, divorce, illness and other; team building; just a night out to play and restore your soul; building blocks for new dreams. My heart explodes when I think of this and I am excited to start classes once COVID is under control. I’m a dreamer by nature… and, I have big dreams for this one… that could be funded by the product above… or not… we will see where God is leading!

So, I think the BBT is morphing. It started as a product and idea of helping people and is ending up being more about an approach to life through allowing myself to be led by the Spirit. I’m excited to talk to you more about it as I discern where I am supposed to go. Praying and listening.
I think I am supposed to continue making glass, but I find it a relief to give myself permission not to worry about the income side of it. Continue to relish the creativity and the Spirit that guides it and organically sell what I make. Don't get me wrong, I will still work hard at it! I adore glass and sharing that love with you through the art and jewelry I create. But, what does the future hold? Maybe Art Glass Spirit will grow dramatically. Maybe I will meet someone who ignites the idea of taking that product I mentioned to market? I know that I want to create Art Glass Therapy and classes/programs/retreats around it. I haven't even mentioned that I had God experiences surrounding architectural glass (as in large fused glass installations), but that’s a blog to share with you another day. Maybe I will get a "real" job. So many options and yet, I feel relaxed in it right now. The right thing will make itself known. Pray. Trust. Listen. Apply myself. Learn. Grow.
Right now, it is Friday afternoon and the snow is melting. There are so many of you facing huge issues because of the snow – heat, water, pipes, work, health, etc. I am praying for you all. And, I think this is a life lesson for me in more than one way today - I am going to go out and play in the snow with my daughter before it is all gone. I will have other days when I must deal with the darker side of things. Today, I am praying for you who are there and hope you will pray for me when I am there. I will be thankful for where I am now and take advantage of this moment.

(I missed helping with this awesome snowman, but we did take a great walk together!)
“Be where you are; otherwise you will miss your life.”
– Buddha
Cara, we will see each other again one day and I will hug your neck and thank you for being a willing vessel for God! Sharing your gift with us so that we can share it with others!
Oh, I love that!!! Thank you! May I use it in the future?
Art Glass Therapy - Building the Soul